
Why January Sees the Most Divorce Filings

It is a well known fact amongst Specialist Family Law Lawyers that the cold month of January represents a surge in the filing of divorce petitions.  In fact, the first Monday in January is known as “Divorce Day”. Why is this?
  1. The New Year is seen by many as the time for a fresh start – new resolutions – time for a change. Leaving an unhealthy, unhappy and stale relationship is a way of achieving this for many.
  1. The festive period is the one time of year when many families are ‘forced’ together for a prolonged period of time. This leads to reflection and appraisal of the strength of relationships and whether they should be continued for another year.
  1. Many who have been considering divorce/separation for some months previous to January will delay filing of proceedings until after the festive season is over to avoid any animosity at what is supposed to be a joyful family-oriented and selfless time.
  1. The end of December also means the end of the year. Couples will be more aware of the value of the family’s wealth in terms of assets and income.  This means that they have a few ideas of how finances can be divided and how both can move forward without too much disturbance and upheaval.
  1. By around January, the children have had an opportunity to settle into new schools/classes/universities. They have had time at home with the family. Parents may feel that this is the time that will prove to cause “disruption” and “anxiety” for the children when they are faced with their parents separating.  Parents, rightly, or wrongly, may feel that to start the process at the beginning of the year will give the children time to accept and understand the position and come to terms with their feelings before the next Christmas is upon them.
Divorce is a highly stressful process and can be a stressful journey.  If a decision has been made to start on this path then ensure that all your questions are answered, your confusion addressed and your rights protected by attending a thorough a detailed Initial Consultation with us. Shabana Walayat Partner Shortlands Solicitors
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