Children Dealing with parents divorce
It is no breaking news to say that when parents separate children are impacted. How badly, depends on you. Johnathan Depp spoke about putting the children first in his recent interview with Marie Claire.
The starting point is always to remember that a child needs to have as full a relationship as possible with both sets of parents to ensure that their physical and emotional development is not adversely affected. If a relationship with one of the parents would negatively impact the child, e.g. violence, drug and/or alcohol abuse, then obviously this principle cannot be followed;
Therefore, attempt to talk with each other about the care arrangements as soon as you can and agree on the same. If talking between you is difficult, seek assistance from a mediator. Think about what the children want and what is practical. You can seek guidance from a Specialist Family Lawyer.
Co-parenting/Shared Residence is now becoming a popular concept with CAFASS and the Courts. It is promoted whenever possible and practical. Shared Residence does not necessarily mean that children share their week between each parent, a much more practical arrangement can be adopted.
In the event an application to Court becomes necessary for contact and/or shared residence, fear not, the Judges at the first hearing encourage negotiation between the parties and provide their valuable thoughts on how to settle issues whenever possible.
Please remember that your children have a right to enjoy a relationship with both of their parents, notwithstanding that they can no longer live together.
Shabana Walayat
Shortlands Law Firm Lt
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