Carolyn is a Resolution trained accredited family mediator. Her extensive training and practice as a mediator have led to full accreditation with the Law Society as well as accreditation for civil and commercial mediation with ADRg. She holds FMCA status as an accredited family mediator with the Family Mediation Council and is qualified to Directly Consult with Children (DCC).
Carolyn is a Resolution trained PPC (Professional Practice Consultant), assisting and supporting other mediators in the development of their own practice, helping them identify and develop their own mediation signature and is an assessor for the Law Society’s accreditation scheme.
Carolyn Hanes began practice as a solicitor and is an experienced family lawyer and collaborative practitioner, working in the field of family law since 1999. Carolyn qualified as a solicitor in 2004 and now works as a full-time mediator.
Never losing sight of the family members within every dispute, she is able to create the ‘clearing in the forest’ needed to reach lasting and satisfactory outcomes with humanity and precision.
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